Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Move forward.....

Sometimes we don’t feel what we have loose some people. By the time they again returns back...we have moved forward. The relationship comes & goes.Every relationship has a cause in life but no relationship is a cause for your life.

But still as we move on in LIFE, we value relationships more and ourselves the least. Feeling low, drooping in the sorrow is the time pass we have with our self. But does it really matter to the person for whom we undergo such a trauma. In the most cases the answer is always a big “NO”.

We forget most of the time that we breathe to live not live to breathe. It’s obvious we have our own sets of problems...with no distinct set of rules to solve it. We live because we have problems in our life.
 A bed of roses is not exciting to live on. It’s the mountains on which we climb on and on and on to reach the peak. It’s the roughness, the crudeness of those rocks which makes us leave our regular route & join the path which leads us to our goals. Nothing exists for a lifelong. It’s difficult to weave an uncertain web which depends on relationships.

Let’s start from the beginning. As we start getting familiar with the term `relationship’ we try to find a relation. Often a regular line is being quoted “WE HAVE COME ALONE, WE WILL BE GOING ALONE”. A person basically desires popularity. I quote what had been said by our History Mam long ago ‘CREATE A MARK...ITS ON YOU WHAT MARK YOU WANT TO CREATE - BLACK OR WHITE..!!”.

The relationships basically acts as the catalyst towards the growth of ages, referred as maturity by most people. This maturity is the result of the relationships on which we believe our existence exists.

But basically the total thing is based on the fact what kind of people we are surrounded with. POSITIVE PEOPLE GIVES POSITIVE STRENGTH. So just let loose off everything – no formality, no vows. Just be YOURSELF so that YOU GROW WITH EACH RELATION IN A POSITIVE WAY.


Have you ever felt being abandoned? Have you ever felt being used by someone whom you have trusted blindly? What happens when all the emot...