Wednesday, 13 February 2013

From Friends...

He proposed. I was quiet as I felt his words running through the veins to my heart. I was shivering in cold and there was no one to be seen in vicinity. We were lost in each other. I knew him from past many years but did I exactly know how I was? I was afraid being in love. I was afraid of loosing him.

We were friends and with time we were best buddies. Being friends and then being partners is the most blissful thing that can happen in life that I realized later. I got my best friend as my partner. The twisting and the most complex part of the whole story was that we were exact opposite of each other. There is an old saying – “Opposites attract each other”. The passion could not be bound by the rules of the so called snobbish society.

All the connections and link went off but still the destiny played its own cards. We met again and there evolved a different chemistry between us. We were lost suddenly in the midst of unknown feelings. “Man proposes and God disposes” – the words are quiet truly spoken by a renowned author. I woke up in shock from my sleep when I realized I had fallen for my best buddy. I didn’t want to fall in love, at least not with my childhood pal!

But I had already fallen for him! Desperately I was waiting for those three magical words that would turn my life upside down. I was afraid to feel those three words drumming down my ears but on other hand I was anxiously waiting for those words. A day came when there was a sudden rush of adrenalin and then came the flowing words of emotions. Well, destiny had played its card at right time. We started off without knowing the ultimate destiny of our relationship.

We were moody, we were obstinate but love made its way from heart to soul. We struggled through the rough waters of life and have grown with each other and for each other. We respect each other for whatever we are. We are companions and that’s the best part of the whole story.

Love is beautiful if it grows with time. Nice to be in LOVE!!

Leaving the dark

My beats ran against his pounding heart,

I drew him close to stop my beats.

I blew the fire and ashes came round,

I was lost in his thoughts.

I scored and secured,

The lost dreams,  the paradise.

Running behind the blackened sky,

My dreams of stars were lost.

Came then he, by the morning hue,

 Distress ran down my nerves.

Passion had its own role,

When the thoughts were raining down,

There was no pledge,

Neither was there any sacrifice.

But with the morning came the sun,

With it came the hoping heart,

“I LOVE YOU” came those words gushing,

When I was about to be captured,

In the deep dark cage of earthly mess.


Have you ever felt being abandoned? Have you ever felt being used by someone whom you have trusted blindly? What happens when all the emot...