Monday, 28 January 2013

Little to share

I had never thought that I will miss you so much. Though I have known you for last two years, still I have a feeling that I have known you for several years. Patience is the lesson you have taught me and I respect you. I feel to share with you whatever happens in my life .I want you to be there when ever I fall and whenever I achieve my dreams .I don’t have such a friend who had cared for me  and also have taught me along the way. You have been only such kind of friend. I am distressed. I am sure friend, you have other priorities of life but..I expect a bit from you. Am I injured by your behavior ? No, I am not since I don’t think that life can give me more than a friend like you.

I don’t deserve anything better than this. I have always suffered from the insecurity and inferiority. I know life is standing up leaving all this things apart but I have never been able to pull the past out of myself. I have thought of not crying over the past but I have failed to do so. Sometimes desperately I need friends who can support me and lift me. People have often hurt me and therefore I know how it feels to get hurt by a friend who has brought a beam of light in life.I miss you my friend..!!


Have you ever felt being abandoned? Have you ever felt being used by someone whom you have trusted blindly? What happens when all the emot...