Monday, 1 October 2012

Friend the darkness of PAST...!!

I tried a lot to move on, but somehow couldn’t. I started analysing what brought such a traumatic death to our friendship. I hoped and expected that in midst of all turmoil, a day will come when you will realise that I really respected you and your friendship. I despaired to find a solution to the problems that were being created between us that led us to drift apart. I lost the war that was against all the odds. I wanted to talk to you. You knew me and still you put me in a state of doubt. I didn’t know that ego and the self respect will bring an end to all the bonding that had grown between us for the past ten years.
Many a times in past we had fought. We had fought on trifles but this time I lost all my patience. A day doesn’t cross by when I don’t remember you my friend.

It’s almost months now that we have stopped looking into each other’s affairs and have started getting on with our own lives. Is this that the world calls as maturity? I don’t understand what brought such a huge distance between us. Nothing is persistent in this life neither the relationships nor the people. But I believe that friendship is different part of the whole story. Our friendship had grown in course of time I valued it a lot. I took a lot of time before taking the decision. Let it be anything but I didn’t think that you will fly off from India without even informing me once. Friend, you have really moved on. I feel the pain in my heart of losing one of my closest friends.

Everyone suggested me to move on but it is a real difficult scenario altogether. Am I standing on the road of life that has stopped moving forward? Is it very important to twist things in this way? I feel like sobbing. I don’t feel like quitting any way but things have changed due course in the ruthless hands of time. To wait means to act foolishly. I had always been an emotional fool.

I have stopped thinking about this sting but to remove it from the heart is really hard. Earlier also we have fought a lot of times but it was withdrawn by our patience. But this time things aren’t working well friend. We have already lost each other and truly speaking we don’t even feel to get back to each other though there are ways.


Have you ever felt being abandoned? Have you ever felt being used by someone whom you have trusted blindly? What happens when all the emot...