There were screams of fright and she walked away without
even looking back. There was nothing except sobs and darkness that persistently
followed her. Impatience and rudeness of her was once again rewarded with
detachment from one of her most treasured asset. The twists and turns were sure
not to be a part of her life. It was of the fact that all good things comes to
end naturally. On her part, she tried to persuade her angel to believe her
words. But it was naturally not so easy on per part, she tried to persuade the
angel to believe her words. But it was hard for her to believe once again as
the trust was broken again and again without any specific reason. Through the
windows of discovery, natural affection had crept in to the colleagues and they
had become best of friends. But nothing seemed to satisfy her extreme crave of
her friendship. While the other person simply warned and it had resulted in
nothing but grudge, and then the similar case went on over the time. But as the
time processed on there was lot more she wanted to do for her and she couldn’t accept
the possessiveness, obsession was all that was in limelight and nothing seemed
to be perfect. All was drowned in those rude words which were unacceptable.
It seemed that possessiveness and obsessiveness might be understood over the time,but it was in vain when all that was there was nothing but misunderstandings of time.But things were on place when the time seemed to ran at its pace.